Negative Stain

Negative Staining Protocol

Negative staining is a very useful technique in electron microscopy that allows for the characterization of the morphology of isolated particles such as bacteria, viruses, proteins, nanoparticles, liposomes, exosomes, etc.

Staining Protocol:

  1. On a piece of Parafilm or any other hydrophobic surface, place a drop of approximately 10 µl of your solution and a drop of UranyLess.
  2. Using fine tweezers, place a grid coated with a formvar-carbon film on the drop of your sample. Leave in contact for about 1 minute.
  3. Drain the grid using filter paper.
  4. Contrast the grid by placing it in contact with the drop of UranyLess for 1 minute.
  5. Drain, dry for 5 minutes, then observe under the microscope.

Fine-Tuning the Technique:

  • Sometimes you may have very little sample on your grid; in this case, ionize your grid.
  • If you have too much sample, wash it on a drop of water before contrasting.
  • If the staining is too intense, wash for 1 minute in water after contrasting with UranyLess.
negative stain image protocol


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